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Bankruptcy Success

  • Type: Digital Training, Hosted Onsite Training, Custom Onsite Training
  • Duration: One-day
  • Cost: $149
  • Time: 9am - 4pm, unless otherwise specified
  • Overview: This course was developed to help creditors know their rights as a creditor in bankruptcy situations and to make sure their ability to collect what is owed is not limited.
  • Key topics covered:
  • How to avoid actions that lead to a loss of the right to collect the balance due
  • The basics of the differences of a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy
  • English explanations of common terms and actions
  • How a bankruptcy scripted guide can improve call quality and motivate members to take action
  • Decisions that are needed to get the most out of your bankruptcies
  • Focus on what to view and how to prepare documents in a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy

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