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Client Success Highlight

Client Success Highlight

"Just wanted to share that in our new building we included TriVerity on our history wall as a trusted partner.

Thanks for all you do to help us be successful."

- Jody Dabrowski, Illinois Educators Credit Union

"Because of the services The Loan Service Center provided, no matter what was going on at the credit union, (no staff in the collections department), I was able to rest comfortably knowing that calls were being made and our members were being taken care of. On behalf of the entire Afena team, we want to say a huge THANK YOU! It has truly been a pleasure working with you."

- Karen Madry, Afena Federal Credit Union

"TLSC has performed extremely well, especially when you consider how large of an Indirect portfolio we have. In the last 5 years, we have only had 4 months that eclipsed 1% and have an overall average for that same time-period of 0.80%. We have a high expectation when it comes to delinquency and you continue to perform."

- Dan Scott, Citizens Community Credit Union

"This is a professional agency with excellent customer service skills. They strive for maximum dollars collected for clients, and total professionalism towards those being collected from. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose in giving them an opportunity to return money from accounts already written off."

- Nicholas Tsoutsos, City & Police Federal Credit Union

TriVerity understands the value of great partnerships, which is why our highly trained staff works with you to manage and lower the risk related to your collections. Delinquency management is an area that carries risk and requires staff with a specific set of skills and training that is increasingly difficult to find. Outsourcing your delinquency management can help your financial institution thrive and provide the exceptional service and experience your customers expect and have grown accustomed to.

Watch the Delinquency Management video.

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