Delinquency Management

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Reducing Administrative Tasks for You

With The Loan Service Center's Extended Services you can reduce your internal expenses and administrative tasks involved with Bankruptcy, Indirect Credit Dispute Processing, Repossessions, Field Services, Notices or Call campaigns.

Bankruptcy: The Loan Service Center's Bankruptcy services take care of all administrative work involved with filing proof of claims and reaffirmations.

Indirect Credit Dispute Processing: The Indirect Credit Dispute Processing solution handles the burden of timely investigation and responding to indirect ACDVs, freeing your staff to focus on more customer-facing issues.

Repossession Coordination: We provide repossession, remarketing and collection solutions with nationwide coverage to coordinate all aspects of your secured account needs. Status reports are available real time via our website.

Field Services: This is another way we attempt to communicate with a consumer that can't be reached by phone. This service is used to gather information about the consumer, the collateral or to communicate the urgency of returning a phone call.

Notices: Sending letters, such as 'right to cure', 'can't get the consumer on the telephone' or 'cross-collateralization' is a service performed by The Loan Service Center.

Call Campaigns: Leverage our trained staff to reach out to your customer base with special offers or important messages.